Xi-Yuan Zhang,B.Sc

Laboratory of Visual Intelligence and Pattern Analysis
Computer Science Department
Zhejiang University

Office Room 404, Guangbiao Cao West Building
Email zhangxiyuan AT zju.edu.cn or xiyuanzhang.gm. AT gmail.com


Currently I am a third year undergraduate student from Pursuit Science Class (Computer), Chu Kochen Honors College and College of Computer Science and Technology, Zhejiang University. I am a member of VIPA Group, led by professor Ming-Li Song.

Research Interest

Currently my research interests include: Machine Learning and Computer Vision.

Awards & Honors

National Scholarship, 2017

First-Prize Scholarship, 2017, 2018

Honorable Mention in Mathematical Contest In Modeling (MCM), 2017

First Prize of the 16th China Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling of Zhejiang University, 2018

Second Prize of Zhejiang Province Undergraduate Advanced Mathematics (Calculus) Competition, 2017

The 9th Chinese Mathematics Competitions Winner Award, 2017

Second Prize of the 6th Zhejiang University College English Writing Competition, 2018

Certificate of Exceptional Achievement of “Artificial Intelligence and Industry 4.0”, Mansfield

College, University of Oxford, 2018

Five-star volunteer